Tuesday, November 18, 2014



The notion to start a blog, as a writer, is an insane thought. To start with, writing anything at all with the intent for someone else to read it is really a fairly egotistical self-serving notion anyways. Whatever grandiose or benevolently egalitarian notions you may have about it, to be a writer is to attempt to quite literally write yourself into the narrative of our time; lets not kid ourselves, it doesn't get much more narcissistic than that.

Blogging takes things a step further. Since the internet is the great equalizer, now you're putting your random unsolicited thoughts and opinions (which, in the grand scheme of say, the universe, or like, time, are quite meaningless), next to iconic pillars of human knowledge and culture; Chaucer, Twain, The Roman Empire, Wikipedia and the knowledge of the history of humankind, two girls and one cup.

Now the scope narrows down further still and we get even more niche with it: a blog about writing smut. Now we're placing talking about pussies and cocks and cumshots (pardon my language, but you should probably get used to those words around here) next to discussions on the nature of the universe, the existence of God, The Iliad.

Now how about that for perspective.

So where am I going with this? (No, honestly, where the fuck was I going with that; help!) Right, insanity. As a writer, where-in I am attempting to make a living selling the words that I compose, its insane to take time away from that to write more words that I won't be selling. The analogy here is your dentist closing up shop for the day to go home and floss his neighbors teeth, just for the fun of it (there, now that scene is in your head. Good luck with sleep tonight!). To take time away from my work, to do my work, but different (are you still following this?), is ultimately crazy.

Then again, writing what really amounts to "insert tab A into slot B" as a living is also pretty crazy. So we get interesting with it, make it weird. Maybe tab A is a billionaire, or a werewolf, or a heavy-handed stepfather. Perhaps slot B is a maid, a power-hungry CEO, a schoolgirl; hell, maybe slot B is also a billionaire werewolf! Maybe there is no tab A, but merely two very shy and curious slot Bs, groping tenderly in the dark, gasping at the boldly new and unfamiliar feelings coursing through their young..uh, slots.

You see where I'm going with this.

Any art or creative process is craziness, and to do it at all involves a certain level of insanity, otherwise you'd have gone off and been a dentist instead of a painter or a dancer. And ultimately what I'm trying to say is, stick around, say hello, and come back for more. The fun has really just begun; lets get crazy.